
The St0ry... (By Jen) Wow...The story isn't that long I'm just trying to figure out how to start it. I guess it all starts when I found out about TOD from my friend Amy. I needed a place to express my feelings. I was really needing someone to redo my diary and make it look pretty. And I found Mel. Mel redid my diary (even tho she didn't want to and I got on her nerves lmao) and it looked awesome. Well we just kinda stopped talking. And somehow we started talking again. We just kinda...clicked I guess (wow it sounds like we are a couple lmao) haha. We instantly became really close and Mel shared with me her deepest secrets (::winks winks::) and I shared mine too. We talked about guys and we talked about friends...we just got so close...mostly because she opened up to me. Which I'm still wondering why she chose me to open up to (I'm not complaining at all!!) I'm so glad that she decided (among all people) me to share her secrets and fun with. I've had lots of good friends but Mel is up in 1st with a couple others. We have only had like 1 fight ever and we have been through so much depression, sadness, happiness, fun, and confusion (confusion was the worst...we both went through it). Now we have our ups and downs...definatly!! Most of the time we are just huge jokers but we also have a ton of serious conversations...so glad too...they keep me going. Imma wrap this up...Well lets just say that we ish just sisters that just found each other...it sure seems like it...That was the story of the Speshul Sessi Clueless Bl0nde G00d Guessers!!

F0r Jen-Jenna...w0w...what can i say? it`s kinda funny that 0ne day we juss started talkin again..and n0w y0ur mah bestestestestest friend! it`s strange, but i feel lyke i`ve kn0wn ya f0rever, lyke we hang 0ut all the time irl 0r sumthang..guess that`s juss h0w it gets when yer cl0se! tha wh0le happy when yer happy, sad when yer sad thang really IS true..if i kn0w y0ur d0wn, i get d0wn..and y0ur right..it`s truely w0rth it! *sings d0rky t0y st0ry s0ng* n0 matter what i`ll always be here f0r ya, i feel lyke i can tell ya anythang and i kn0w y0u`ll be there t00! *hugs* i really luff ya jen!
1/2 0f The Speshul Sessi Clueless Bl0nde G00d Guessers... -MeL*

For Mel-Mel, Wow...we have had soooo many memories and hard times but we always seem to make it through it huh?! I'm glad cuz i made my bestestestestest friend and I'm sooo grateful for that. We have some of the funniest jokes and the most touching conversations I've ever had. When I'm having a bad day I pray that I will get online and you will be on, because you always make my day better. I try to help you with your problems but sometimes the best thing I can do is talk to you about it, it almost hurts to want something so bad and know deep down that it can't happen...kinda like when you are going through a tough time and I want to help you but I know that I can't...or when we are really getting close in a conversation and I wanna give you a huge hug for being there for me through all the times when I needed you...and I cant...but we will definatly meet one day...I'll move a mountain to make it happen (lmao imma poet and didnt know it!! lmao) hehe...welpz imma go now. I Luff ya Melly!! ::hugs::
1/2 0f The Speshul Sessi Clueless Bl0nde G00d Guessers... -JeN*
